SP 13 Acupuncture Point
Spleen 13, Abbreviated as SP 13, Transliterated Fushe in Chinese, Bpwel Abode in English. SP 13 Acupuncture Point
The Spleen Meridian starts at the big toe and ascends along the inner aspect of the leg to the abdomen, It is associated with the transformation and transportation of food and fluids, as well as the management of dampness in the body. There are 21 acupoints along the Spleen Meridian, abbreviated as SP (e.g., SP1, SP21).
Spleen 13, Abbreviated as SP 13, Transliterated Fushe in Chinese, Bpwel Abode in English. SP 13 Acupuncture Point
Spleen 14, Abbreviated as SP 14, Transliterated Fujie in Chinese, Abdomen Stagnation in English. SP 14 Acupuncture Point
Spleen 15, Abbreviated as SP 15, Transliterated Daheng in Chinese, Great Horizontal in English. SP 15 Acupuncture Point
Spleen 16, Abbreviated as SP 16, Transliterated Fuai in Chinese, Abdomen Suffering in English. SP 16 Acupuncture Point
Spleen 17, Abbreviated as SP 17, Transliterated Shidou in Chinese, Food Cavity in English. SP 17 Acupuncture Point
Spleen 18, Abbreviated as SP 18, Transliterated Tianxi in Chinese, Celestial Cleft in English. SP 18 Acupuncture Point
Spleen 19, Abbreviated as SP 19, Transliterated Xiongxiang in Chinese, Chest Village in English. SP 19 Acupuncture Point
Spleen 20, Abbreviated as SP 20, Transliterated Zhourong in Chinese, Complete Nourishment in English. SP 20 Acupuncture Point
Spleen 21, Abbreviated as SP 21, Transliterated Dabao in Chinese, Great Embrace in English. SP 21 Acupuncture Point