Small intestine 4, Abbreviated as Si 4, Transliterated Wangu in Chinese, Wrist Bone in English.
Si 4 Acupuncture Point Location:
On the ulnar aspect of the palm, in the depression between the 5th metacarpal bone and hamate bone, at the junction of the red and white skin.
Si 4 Acupuncture Point Indications:
- Jaundice, diabetes
- Pain in the lumbar and leg, contracture of the fingers, pain in the wrist, weakness to hold things in the hand
- Pain and rigidity of the head and neck, tinnitus, conjunctivitis
Si 4 Acupuncture Point Benefits:
Activates and clears the meridian, resolves Damp-Heat.
Yuan-Source point of the Small Intestine Meridian
Clinically, Yuan-Source points are of great significance in treating diseases of the internal organs. Yuan-Source points are the sites where the Yuan (Primary) qi of the Zang-Fu organs passes and stays. Puncturing the Yuan-Source points stimulates the vital energy of the regular meridians, regulates the functional activities of the internal organs, reinforces antipathogenic factors and eliminates pathogenic factors. This method of treating diseases deals principally with the root causes. The Yuan (source) point from the affected meridian is often combined with the Luo (Connecting) point of the internally-externally related meridians in use.