KI 9 Acupuncture Point

Kidney 9, Abbreviated as KI 9 or KID 9, Transliterated Zhubin in Chinese, Strong Knees in English.

KI 9 Acupuncture Point Location:

On the medial aspect of the lower leg, 5 cun directly above KI 3, on the line connecting KI 3 and KI 10, at the medial and inferior end of the belly of muscle gastrocnemius.

KI 9 Acupuncture Point Indications:

  • Manic psychosis
  • Hernia
  • Pain of the lower leg

KI 9 Acupuncture Point Benefits:

Calms the Shen, clears the Heart, alleviates pain.


Xi-Cleft point of the Yin Wei Vessel